Green Lawn & Garden

Triclopyr 4 EC Compare to Garlon 4 and Remedy 1 Gallon

Triclopyr 4 Herbicide is the same as Garlon 4 Herbicide and is designed to control mesquite, sumac, tallow, poison oak, cactus, and other heavy brush. It can also be used basal treatment to kill large trees. Triclopyr 4E provides excellent selective control of of brush and broadleaf weeds without damaging grasses.
Triclopyr 61.6%
Triclopyr 4 can be used similar to Garlon 4 to control brush and trees in pastures, rangelands, right of ways, lawns, golf courses, sod farms, industrial properties, and ditches
The mix rate for triclopyr is 3.2oz to 6.4oz per gallon. Triclopyr is more effective if mixed with a bark penetrent like methylated seed oil.

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