Green Lawn & Garden

SuperDFM 10kg_bar_696859225536 Honeybee Probiotic Supplement, 22 lb

Supplements 1000 hives! Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) are symbiotic bacteria that naturally reside in the gastrointestinal tract of honey bees. They serve a multitude of functions and are considered beneficial and completely harmless. LAB are involved in protection of honey from other bacteria, yeasts and molds, fermentation of beebread as well as establishing strong hive immunity against pathogens. In nature, pathogens are always present. A significant number of them gain entry into the hive via pollen and nectar, however most pathogens are either dead or in spore form. When LAB’s sense pathogen presence; either live, dead or as dormant spores, secretion of antimicrobial substances is initiated as defense. This results in a reduction of pathogens, as well as inhibiting some of the dormant pathogenic spores from germinating. Modern agriculture uses many different pesticides, antibiotics and other chemicals that cause the honeybee’s natural defenses to be severely weakened. This also occurs during Fall winterization when bees are fed sugar water, or if bee hives are prophylactically treated with various treatments or antibiotics. SuperDFM – Honeybee contains a combination of LAB’s as well as beneficial Bacillus spp. and yeast used to diminish disease in bees and brood.
Supplements 1000 hives – Natural Probiotic for Bees
Helps Increase Bee Colony Health
May well Help Inhibit Pathogens such as Nosema and American Foulbrood Disease
Our Micro flora has a Positive Effect on Vitellogenin Formation
Viable Micro flora and Enzymes to Better Digest Starches, Protein, Sugar, Cellulose; Yeasts Help Synthesize B-vitamins Needed for Bees Health

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