Green Lawn & Garden

Sunglo 24 Volt E Series Black Natural Gas Patio Heaters

The Sunglo 24 Volt E Series Black Natural Gas Patio Heaters steps up in the Sunglo line by adding an automatic re-light feature to its remote control ignition. It emits gentle, steady heat from an extra tall frame and extremely durable burner. Its reflector (dome) boasts a 34 in. diameter to spread non-adjustable 50,000 BTU/hr. output over 176 sq. ft. The 24 Volt E Series Black Natural Gas runs on a fixed natural gas line; simply hook it up and heat as long as you need without refueling. The heater measures 111 in. tall, with rigid in-ground construction, so the remote ignition hook-up is a huge step up in convenience from the direct-start model (which requires a stepladder).

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