Green Lawn & Garden

Snow Joe AZ-25-IB-BKT Melt-2-Go Natural Beet Juice Extract + CMA Enriched Ice Melter, 25 lb

Tell the ice to take a hike & beet it! Snow-shredding, ice-dicing, sleet-busting winter weather wonder in a box, delivered directly to your door! Put the power of the beet beneath your’ To melt ice away with melt beet-it responsible ice melt from Snow Joe. Enriched with natural beet extract for maximum melting power, It’s also pet-friendly & safer for vegetation & the environment. Perfect for use on stairs, sidewalks, decks & driveways, beet-it MELTS snow & ice down to -20, lastsup to 20 hours. Convenient, resealable 25 lb. Bucket with handy measuring scoop for easy dispensing. Melts down to -20ºF: melt beet it effectively MELTS ice & snow on contact, even at temperatures as low as -20ºF. Sleet & Freezing rain: apply early to prevent ice buildup. Wet/heavy snow: apply early to prevent bonding. Large accumulation: clear excess snow, spread on stubborn ice or packed snow.
Snow-shredding, ice-dicing, sleet-busting winter weather wonder in a box, delivered directly to your door!
Melts down to -25°f
Convenient refillable bucket with handy scoop for easy dispensing
Effectively melts Ice and snow on contact, even at temperatures as low as -20°f
Safer on sidewalks (when used as directed)

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