Green Lawn & Garden

Pac Low Plant Growth Regulator 128oz

Pac Low Plant Growth Regulator with Paclobutrazol 22.3%, is a plant growth regulator that slows the growth of non-residential turf grass and improves turf quality. It will last up to two months after application. Use of Pac Low is helpful in that it reduces mowing and clippings up to 50% during this period, resulting in equipment and labor savings. To maintain the appearance of the turfgrass and reduce discoloration, use Pac Low on fine turf that is growing by a moderate to high growth rate. HOW PAC-LOW WORKS Pac-Low is a gibberellin inhibitor, slowing vegetative growth systemically on turfgrass, trees, and ornamentals. Results, when used as directed: For 6-8 weeks, Pac-Low slows verticle growth on established hybrid Bermuda grass, perennial ryegrass, and bentgrass, St. Augustine grass and Kentucky bluegrass/perennial ryegrass turf areas, fairways, roughs, and tees. (over-seeded Bermuda grass and bent grass, use reduced rates.) For 12 weeks, it improves and extends fertilizer performance when it is combined with a nitrogen fertilizer. It enhances the quality of the turfgrass versus used fertilizer alone. It can increase green color as increased chlorophyll amount is concentrated in smaller, more compact leaves. It reduces potential of scalping turfgrass. Due to increasing turf density and a tighter knit turf on treated hybrid Bermuda grass, it has better ball playability as it allows ball to sit higher on the turf. It suppresses Poa annua; reduces competitiveness and growth. Provides economic savings by reducing mowing and labor cost. TARGET PESTPoa annua, Bermuda grass, Bent-grass and perennial Rye-grass Fairways, Tees, Roughs, Trees, and Ornamentals
Gallon Jug
Not for sale: AK, CA, HI
ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Paclobutrazol 22.3%
MIXTURE|APPLICATION: 6.4 – 48 oz. per acre

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