Green Lawn & Garden

Mr Garden 10Pack Wall Water Season Extender Water Filled Garden Teepee for Frost Snow Protection, Green

If you live in an area with a short growing season, you are always looking at ways to circumvent Mother Nature.
One way to protect and grab a few early weeks at the front of the season is by using water wall plant protction.

Mr.Garden Wall of Water – A Great Choice for You

FUNCTION – It can protect the plants against frost, snow and other cold weather and keep the plants warm to grow well in some pretty erratic weather.
Can also be used to keep plants cool when the weather is hot.
The protection is great which is well worth the time and effort to get your plants early.

APPLICATION – Water walls for plants are most commonly used for tomatoes but also work well for other heat-loving, frost sensitive plants like
peppers, eggplants, melons and provide gardeners the opportunity to set out plants several weeks before the last expected frost.
You can also extend the season on the other growing your plants beyond the first fall frost for a bit.

HOW TO USE – Open each of the cells in the Wall o Water and fill them 1/2 to 3/4 full, better at 2/3 full. Place in the garden area where you want to help warm up plants.
Spread the bottom area in a wide circle and pull the top of the cells together to close off the top. It will keep the seedlings growing in a warm environment.

NOTES – As time goes on it may evaporate, please refill them that time.

Wall-o-Water protector is a simple and effective way to keep young, tender plants warm and protect against frost, heavy snow, harsh temperatures and even cold winds
18inches height, can protect 26-in diameter area. Eighteen rings of interconnected vertical plastic tubes filled with water, provide a warm summer-like growing environment
Absorb heat during the day and dissipate heat at night to keep the plants warm from the cold to extend the season or start early gardening, the water filled baffles can also serve as insulators to keep the plant warm
Open the tubes and put water in, about 2/3 full, then place the filled teepee over your seedlings and it sits like a teepee or a litter greenhouse
Early sow, early harvest, make planting easier, superb early plant protection

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