Green Lawn & Garden

LagunaPowerHeat Heated De-Icer for Ponds – 500 Watts

The Laguna Power Heat 500-watt De-Icer will keep an area thawed and open in the pond, allowing the release of toxic gases from fish respiration and decomposing organic matter to escape. At the same time, it allows oxygen to re-enter the pond. The Laguna Power Heat 500-watt De-Icer is safe for plastic and liner ponds, and it will not harm fish or plants. The heater has dual-zone integrated thermostats to help the heat distribution, and it is suitable for garden zones 1 to 8, which is 20 degrees Fahrenheit and below.
De-Icer for ponds 20 degrees Fahrenheit and below
Equipped with LED light that indicates when unit is heating
Made of stainless steel; High impact resistance
Fish and plant safe

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