Green Lawn & Garden

Invict Xpress Granular Bait 4lb Shakers

InVict Xpress is for the user who needs a granular bait with lightning fast kill of a broad spectrum of insects like ants, cockroaches, crickets, mole crickets, silverfish, firebrats and earwigs. With the power of imidacloprid and the irresistibility of this bait matrix you’ll see the carnage quickly and you’ll have the “Unfair Advantage”. Use Sites: In and around structures, including homes, apartments, commercial, industrial, municipal, institutional, research, recreational, health care, educational, daycare, hospitality and agricultural buildings and other man-made structures, garages, transport vehicles, sewers, animal research facilities, and food service, storage, handling and processing establishments. Turf sites include lawns, landscape beds, ornamental turf, parks, playing fields, right-of-ways, golf course greens and tee boxes, and home greenhouses.

How It Works: Roaches, crickets, silverfish, firebrats, and earwigs discover the bait while foraging and eat it and die. Worker ants* cannot eat solid food, so they pick up the bait and take it back to the nest and feed it to the larvae. The larvae digest solid food and excrete liquid food for the rest of the colony.
Kills Roaches, Ants, Crickets, Mole Crickets, Silverfish, Firebrats, and Earwigs
Kills Acrobat, Allegheny, Argentine, Big-headed, Cornfield, Crazy, Ghost, Little Black, Odorous House, Pavement, Pyramid, Rover, Thief and White-footed Ants

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