Green Lawn & Garden

Gophers Limited Stainless Steel Wire Mesh 18 Gauge, 3/4 Inch Square, 100 Foot x 48 inch

Gophers and moles, while kind of cute, can be frustrating to have around…. The damage one gopher or mole can do in a short amount of time is devastating. They are designed to dig tunnels and eat a lot…making a mess of your lawn and garden. The mounds of dirt, the tunnels dug underneath that create unlevel ground beneath your feet, and your dying plants eaten at their roots. Use our wire and the moles and gophers will go elsewhere. Benefits/Uses: Provides a gopher/mole proof lawn Create a vertical barrier in your garden to keep moles and gophers out Build a protected raised bed garden space Rolls out flat making it easy to cut and work with Make beautiful wood framed fences and other creative projects
Made especially to resist corrosion
Marine Grade (304) Stainless Steel, 18 Gauge
100 foot x 48 inches 3/4 Inch Square Welded Wire Mesh
Covers 400 square feet per roll

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