Green Lawn & Garden

Compost Wizard Jr. Boost Kit – Black

Compost Wizard 7 cu. ft. Boost Kit. Composting is a great way to recycle all those nasty leftovers, kitchen scraps, and organic junk that you find around the yard into rich top soil that also doubles as much. That’s a double whammy of earth-friendly, trash-reducing action. Your typical tool of choice would be a composter where you can put all this food, leaves, and grass into. But where is the best composter to do the job? Look no further! This is the greatest composter you’re going to find. The Compost Wizard Jr. Boost Kit is a 7 cubic foot tumbling composter. At that size, it can sit discretely out of the way yet it’s big enough to handle your typical load of organic junk. It comes in two pieces…There’s no waiting to compost, you start the second the composter arrives. Thinking of using one of those crank composters? Why bother when the handles on the Compost Wizard Jr. provide excellent grip for turning and won’t break apart. If you take a gander inside the bin, you’ll find that those nifty hand holds also double as agitators for the compost. “How well does the compost bin turn?” you may ask. It turns easily because of the ingenious wheeled base the compost bin sits on. It’s simple and it works. And if you want to roll the bin around the yard, it can be taken right off the base. Now you can roll compost from your prime composting spot all the way to your garden. Another great advantage to this composting unit is the 12″ twist off lid. This lid keeps your compost safely closed off. If you were worried about rodents getting in, don’t worry about it. The lid keeps out rodents and larger animals alike. Just be sure not to throw any meat or high protein foods in there or you’ll get flies (great for compost, obnoxious to have). Each end of the compost bin has plenty of aeration holes which provide much needed airflow for the compost batch. You can even drill more if you live in areas that don’t get as much moving air or get really hot. So what is this miraculous (wf)
Overall: 23.5″ H x 30″ W x 22″ D; Overall Product Weight: 27lbs
Includes pack of compost boost (treats over 24 cu. ft.)
Safe for pets and children; Black color for heat absorption
FDA approved; Capacity: 7 cu. ft.
Weather Resistant: Yes; Compost Completion Time: 4.5

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