Green Lawn & Garden

Best Bee Brothers Carpenter Bee Trap – 4 pack

Our Best Bee Trap is the most effective carpenter bee trap solution on the market. Our trap eliminates those wood burrowing bees from destroying your beautiful home. The patented design can catch carpenter bees before they make your home their own. Plus, it is safe and easy to use! The design mimics the nest of carpenter bees to draw them in. Once inside our unique funnel system reduces clogging and prevents carpenter bees from escaping. Our trap collects carpenter bees faster than other traps, and is made from durable materials to last you many seasons.
Controls your carpenter bee problems! Traps and kills carpenter bees!
Does not use any pesticides! Safe for families to use.
Low maintenance trap that really works! The bottom receptacle traps are the most effective design!
Includes a plastic bottle which can be replaced with any standard 12oz, 16oz, or 2 liter bottle!
Can be hung or fixed to your wooden structure.

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