Green Lawn & Garden

Bayer Dylox 6.2 Granular White Grub Insecticide

Dylox 6.2 is a granular insecticide. It works by both contact and ingestion. It rescues and protects lawns and turn from grubs and other insects that feed on them. This product can even penetrate thatch up to 1/2 inch thick. It provides rapid curative grub control in as little as 24 hours and has a longer effective application window than most competitors.
Trichlorfon 6.2%
Dylox 6.2 is for use in and around landscape flowers, shrubs, trees, landscape and recreational turf, golf courses, and residential turf.
Dylox 6.2 Kills and Controls Armyworms Cutworms Webworms Cranberry Girdlers Bluegrass Weevils Billbug Larvae Mole Crickets Chinch Bugs White Grubs

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