Green Lawn & Garden

Arte Mayab Deluxe Mayan Hammock – Blue

Laying on the beach, smelling the fresh, salty air, with a cool breeze blowing. Sounds like heaven doesn’t it? This Mayan Hammock will almost make you feel as if you are on the beach, relaxing by the ocean. Well…maybe not but it may help you relax and let your worries drift away. This hammock in Royal is handcrafted by native Mayans that still weave according to centuries old traditions. It is crocheted or hand woven to perfection so that it will mold to any body shape and support the entire body in weightlessness. This Mayan hammock is tightly woven with a thicker rope, so it is more durable than others on the market and prevents the hammock from tangling itself, which often happens with cheaper hammocks made of nylon. We recommend a space of 11 to 14 feet to hang it properly and please note that hanging hardware is sold separately.We strongly recommend adding some throw pillows as they make the Mayan hammock more comfortable and help keep its shape when not in use. Stand and pillows are sold separately. Mayan Hammocks are beautiful, have a cultural significance and are part of the history of Central America. Get an authentic one today! Color: Royal
Length: 13’+ (Oversized)
Color: Blue
Width: 6 ft
Material: Cotton
Weight Capacity: 400 lbs.

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