Green Lawn & Garden

Ambient Weather WM-4 Handheld Weather Station w/ Windspeed, Direction, Temperature, Humidity, Compass, Dew Point, Comfort Index, Psychrometer

Current wind speed, Maximum wind speed, Average wind speed

Wind measurement units: knots, mph, kph, feet/minute, meters/second, Beaufort

Wind direction in degrees and compass points

Calculates cross wind, head/tail wind

Current temperature (°F or °C)

Current dew point (°F or °C)

Current wet bulb (°F or °C)

Current wind chill (°F or °C)

Current relative humidity (%RH)

Current Delta T® patented Comfort IndexTM

USA fluxgate compass

Swiss-made impeller

Lifetime calibrated Swiss-made humidity sensor

Backlit LCD display

Auto shutoff after 5-min

Threaded for tripod mounting

Pocket-knife design to protect unit when not in use

Adjustable lanyard

Water resistant and floats


Wind speed range: .8-89 mph

Wind speed accuracy: ±3% when aligned with winds axis

Current wind response time: 1-sec

Avg wind response time: over 10 sec
Max wind response time: 1-sec

Cross wind head/tail wind response time: 5 sec

Wind direction response time: 1 sec

Temperature range: -20° to +158°F
Temperature accuracy: ±1.8°F

Temperature response time: 1 min

Dew point range: -20° to +158°F

Dew point accuracy: ±3.6°F

Dew point response time: 1 min

Wet bulb accuracy: ±3.6°F

Wet bulb range: 32° to 100°F

Wet bulb response time: 1-min

Wind chill range: -50° to +50°F

Wind chill accuracy: ±1.8°F

Wind chill response time: 1 sec

Rel. humidity range: 5-95%

Rel. humidity accuracy: ±3%

Rel. humidity response time: 1 min

Delta T response time: 1-min

Compass accuracy: ±2°

Compass range: 0 to 360

Compass response time: 1 sec

Other Specifications:
Power: CR2032 Lithium battery (included and replaceable)

Dimensions: 5.5″ x 1.75″ x .75″
The Ambient Weather WM-4 is a comprehensive handheld weather station, directional compass, heat index monitor and psychrometer, all in one compact, portable, rugged package.
The WM-4 measures wind speed, wind direction, temperature, relative humidity and compass direction, and calculates wind gust, dew point, wet bulb and dry bulb temperature, Delta T, wind chill and heat index.
It has a USA-made fluxgate compass for precise digital wind direction measurement, and it can also be used to calculate crosswind & head/tail wind readings with the built in wind vane.
The jack knife case design protects the unit, and allows you to hold the case while taking precise temperature measurements, avoiding false readings from your hand temperature.

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