Green Lawn & Garden

Acclaim Extra Selective weed killer 16oz

Acclaim Extra is a selective post-emergence herbicide that controls annual and perennial grasses in turf. A systematic herbicide that works in a single treatment, Acclaim is one of the only postemergence herbicides that can control crabgrass and goosegrass effectively with good tolerance on desirable turf. And it does so in a wide range of growth stages – from spikes to 5-tillers. Acclaim Extra is absorbed primarily through foliage. It’s most effective during periods of active weed growth, and is rainfast about one hour after drying. Susceptible weeds stop growing, turn red or purple, then die within one week. Active Ingredient: fenoxaprop-p-ethyl – 6.59% Target pests: Barnyardgrass, Crabgrass (large & smooth), Goosegrass, Foxtail, Panicum, Johnsongrass (seedling), Sandbur, Sprangletop, and Japanese Stiltgrass For use in: Commercial and Residential Cool & Warm-season turf, Sod Farms and Ornamentals Application: 0.46 oz. per 1,000 per 1,000 sq. ft. 20 oz. per 40 – 80 gallons of water per acre * Use a Surfactant to Increase Effectiveness
16 oz Bottle

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