Green Lawn & Garden

250 Million Live Beneficial Nematodes Sf – Fungus Gnat/rootknot Gall Exterminator

“FUNGUS GNAT KILLER”:S. feltiae is especially effective against immature dipterous insects, including mushroom flies, fungus gnats, and tipulids as well some lepidopterous larvae. This nematode is unique in maintaining infectivity at soil temperatures as low as 10°C. S. feltiae has an intermediate foraging strategy between the ambush and cruiser type. Also exterminates Humpbacked flies, Fruit flies, Raspberry crown borer, Leaf miners, Cabbage maggot, Cucumber beetles, Shore flies, Black cutworm, Tobacco cutworm, White grubs, Beet armyworm, Onion maggot, Subterranean Termite and more. NOTE: Nematodes will only control the immature stages of these pest insects and will be ineffective against the adult stages. Prewater the area to be treated first, apply nematodes and water after application. Return to normal watering. S. feltiae enters the host and kills it within 24 to 48 hours, it then reproduces within the host and searches for new hosts, which provides long-term control. The solution can be applied directly using a watering can, hose end, backpack, or pump sprayer or through irrigation or misting systems. Release nematodes early in the morning or predusk when temperatures are cooler and the sun is not so bright (UV rays harm nematodes). Pest insects will be high enough in the soil for the nematodes to find and the soil temperature will not be so hot that the nematodes are killed. We guarantee our bugs to be fresh and live!
Beneficial Nematodes are an organic and most effective way to battle soil pest.
Kills Over 200 different species of soil dwelling and wood boring insects.
Easy to apply and Harmless to humans and pets. Simply add to water, then apply with a watering can or sprayer apparatus. Complete instructions included.
Our Live Beneficial Nematodes are Guaranteed Fresh and a Live!
25 million Nematodes are enough for the preventative control of soil dwelling insects in approx. 8-10,000 sq.ft of surface area. For best results or for high infestations. Multiple releases are recommended.

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